Monday, 10 December 2012


LX 280 ride on mower


John Deere JX90

John Deere  R52S

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Potentilla indica (formerly Duchesnea indica)
First stage of project border. Jim has said this will be my project. 
Info so far, to mark out and plant up this border. Ground is heavy clay & wet so started with deadheading, this soon became weeding out the mock strawberry Potentilla indica (formerly Duchesnea indica) which is rampant and entwined in everything, particularly the Aster seedlings .

Monday, 3 December 2012

27 NOV

The Chimonanthus praecox is in flower, deserves it's common name of winter sweet, lovely.

Exbury As requested cleared nettles and weeds Then tidied grasses, mainly Stipa arundinacea, the grasses are avoided by all, so have had little maintenance and as a result very messy, Jim away so I took opportunity to remove dead and dying and tidy beds.

Mon 3 Dec Exotic border dead head and weed

Furcraea foetida (Mauritian hemp) bulbils
In the

Sophora microphylla ( kōwha)
Sophora microphylla ( kōwha)

Monday, 19 November 2012

Mon Nov 19 Leaf blowing collecting and Compost bin count

Mild and leaves still dropping, working alone now K has left. More leaf collecting by rake and then blower in wisley. After lunch hand blister and Jim unable to get away from office to bring leaf muncher. 
So I tour gardens to check compost bins and list them

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Tues 30 Oct Plugs into wildflower meadow, last of bulbs

Beautiful, bright cold day

Hung up the pre- planted troughs around office and then on Henchman, cleared weeds and added bulbs to troughs at height.

Met Tony Canning from London Wildlife Trust, it was meant to be a community volunteer day, but no show, so J let me help, Tony and his intern, so just four of us planted the plugs, grass too long so Tony decided not to sow seeds. We discussed wildlife in the gardens, said that the wildlife meadow most biodiverse are in garden. Toads found within the grass.

Planted up the Greenhouse planter with remaining Pinnochio bulbs and wallflowers! Dug out 3 unwanted echiums to take away.


Monday, 29 October 2012

Mon 29 Oct Leaf clearance on VBR

Hanging baskets are going to come down now, sadly, finally looking their best, blackbirds too

Leaf clearance all day, using rake and barrowing them away, the leaf mulch machine has a puncture, Jim busyt labelling honey jars so no fix!

before and after