Monday, 30 April 2012

Mon 30 April 2012 Pot up plugs Plant up Forest Garden

Rain eases to a day of cloudy sunshine

C (new trainee) and I pot up the remaining plug plants in preparation for the hanging baskets

Weed and plant up the new Forest Garden, plants are from Beth Chatto and sent in plastic bags with elastic, god quality. However some problem with sending out order means some of the plants not available, J advises to use what we have..


Puzzled by the planting, though early days. 

Have just realised there are two alliums on the planting plan.... oops

Thymus vulgaris Common thyme

Allium schoenoprasum Chives

Hesperis matronalis Sweet rocket, (aka Dame’s rocket, Damask violet, Dame’s violet, Dames-wort, Dame’s gilliflower, Night-scented gilliflower, Queen’s gilliflower, Rogue’s gilliflower, Summer lilac, Sweet rocket, Mother-of-the-evening and Winter gilliflower)

Primula veris Cowslip

Salvia officinalis Common sage

Allium tuberosum Garlic chives

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

tues 24 April 2012


First time with keys to underground stores, much activity and large construction vehicles. Select tools for myself and gardener P who will be joining me.

Let in more light and make public access easier on overgrown walkway near Glasshouse,
Weed bed and cut back overgrown bay tree and ivy, which is covering gateway.

Move to Wisley garden to complete weeding and clear compost bin of woody material

Dig out dead shrub, Eleagnus x ebbingei 'Limelight' according to original plan, the variagated foliage had completely died off, some original leaf growth looks healthy but shape is lost so I remove. leave the root at back of garden for insects.
A passing police woman back tracks to ask about the Cotinus, which I can ID! it seems everyone loves them. 
Remove weeds and admire the use of Ulex in garden, someone is in love, it is in flower.

Ask to borrow copies of the garden plans, need to get acquainted and ID the plants.

Monday, 23 April 2012

mon 23 April 2012

Rain & drizzle forecast but sunshine too.

Aim to finish off weeding remaining beds in Exbury area, all relocated plants thriving.

Discover more tatty Liriopes beneath the mounds of Geranium, cut back and clear.
Cut out dead and dying Sarracocca, some good fresh growth but older very leggy and dying off.

Joined by B who finds 5 more Liriope positioned in a line under the geraniums, they indicate the original edge of bed, but when a row of paving removed the Geraniums overtaken, so positioning no longer works.

J suggests more relocation, there are gaps to be filled and he wants to deter the damage caused by people and dogs taking shortcuts through beds.

I also discovered Liriope, wasted beneath grasses, so lift three and replace in large empty space. Lift a couple of large Geraniums to fill in gaps, less successful due to differing heights but should adjust.

Lift a large ornamental grass and replace as a block to the short cut, looks like a deterrent but root ball very shallow, could be easily removed, time will tell.

After lunch move to Wisley garden with B, work around a tall suckering pinnate leaved shrub, unsure of ID, lots of dead and dying material.
Compost bin has been erroneously filled with woody material by a resident.

A quick walk through with J towards end of day, ID the 'Bladdernut', which is in flower, discuss coppicing the Cotinus 'Grace' which has been effected by white fungal growth now evident on the Rosa, The ID of suckering woody shrub still a mystery.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

tues 17 April 2012

Drizzle,  Working with gardener L edging lawns, which allows me to get a little more familiar with the estate layout.

In Pergola garden we also dead head daffs and tie in rambling roses on pergola. Using the henchman, L ties while I lop of dead and dying.

A tall, strong flowering fennel under the pergola demonstrates the 'walled garden' micro climate provided by the surrounding buildings.

I share a tip for tying in when L runs short of string, using a strip from the overgrown flax (Phormium) leaf as a natural and strong tie, a method used by gardeners at the Hill Garden. Hampstead.

After tea break we rake and sow grass seed over the patches caused by scaffolding and footfall. Joseph Conrad house and two weedy rectangles in the pergola garden.
While I weed one area, L leaves weeds, an experiment to test success of seed with/without weeds.
After lunch return to Exbury to plant the remaining Liriope along edge of bed to finish
All the repositioned plants are looking very well, the rainfall over night and throughout day has been perfect.

Monday, 16 April 2012

mon 16 April 2012

day 01

Start day with weeding and tidying Exmouth square beds, now a mix of grasses, euphorbia, geraniums.

designed by Alison

Working alongside B, a volunteer and resident who has already started and has tools prepared. Some overgrown and untidy Liriope are given a haircut to level of new young growth.

A new (to me) weed, Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) in abundance and in flower, I quite liked the look but it's invasive and 'wrong plant in wrong place'.
Alliaria petiolata

Weeding soon becomes lifting and replanting after I suggest using lifted plants to fill some gaps. J has some concern about watering in and the restrictions of hosepipe ban but is soon supplying buckets from the water butts near glasshouse and the lifted Hellebores, Geraniums, Pullmanaria and Liriopes are replanted within the bed.
Repositioned Helebores

J suggests to finish bed we edge the border with some spare pots of Liriope muscari