Warm,muggy and drizzle
Sort Jim and Caroline with a friends spare tickets for Hampton Court on Wed!
With Caroline - Watered greenhouse area, plants all very, very dry, apparently watering missed on Friday and it showed.
Sanguisorba and
Verbena worst affected.
Also watered the large planters we planted up last Tues, all looks well, though Felicia struggling a little and the planters around office. Also watered the bigger planters in front of office entrance, noticed the holly like plant in first planter had some unsightly dead and dying, leaves covered in a dark sooty substance ( Jim think something dropped by builders from scaffold not sooty mould as I suggested!) and the few new leaves curled as if aphid curl?
Jim ID plant as
Holly Osmanthus Osmanthus heterophyllus
osmanthus or false-holly is often confused with English holly because of
the shape of its leaves. Osmanthus can be separated from the hollies
because its leaves are arranged in an opposite, rather than an
alternate, position along the stems. Small fragrant flowers in late autumn.
Just before lunch, Jim walked us up Vauxhall Bridge Road border and requested we define edges, weed and litter pick. As soon as we started it was lunch. Litter picking took an age due to piles of polystyrene packing which was scattered across lawn and through beds.
I tried to define the edge on slope, moved a geranium behind edge, used excess grass from edging, to replant in dusty/bald edges. We realised would like more direction from Jim as to the methods and style he wanted !
Tomorrow is my first one on one with Jim, will make this a request because often feel in need of direction when we work together alone