Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Tues 26 june 2012 High tower tidy

High Tower

Sunny, showers (Wimbledon weather)

Smyrnium perfoliatum
All of us worked at High tower on other side of Vauxhall Bridge Rd. Patti and I started on main rose bed, blood red and yellow bush roses, bed was full of Smyrnium perfoliatum, which having looked up, appears to be an invasive weed or an attractive addition depending on your garden tastes. In this case it was considered a weed, easy to remove, very shallow roots but probably easily self seeding.

Fallopia japonica (japanese Knotweed)
rose bed weeded
 The rose thorns were catching my clothing and skin so I donned waterproof as protection, sun stayed out

The dreaded Fallopia japonica (Japanese knot weed) is also spreading through the garden, quite established. Advised to leave that in place, apparently it has been reported and the sprayers will deal with it! Hope they will not take too long.

Another bed was filled with Ash saplings, some quite established. Apparently the garden used to be managed by volunteers but last 2 years by City West.
Edging beds, weeding, tidying.

The Garden users ranged from small children and grandparents, football playing boys and solitary readers.

Could tell garden was once cared for but now felt neglected, Geoff and Jim spoke about how cold and windy the garden was in winter, today it was warm and muggy.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Mon 25 June 2012 Church planters

hot , light wind lovely

Watered the greenhouse plants area

Weeded, repositioned and planted up 10 large planters in front of the church. all the leftovers, C and I were left to select and place plants. Jim checked and k'd to plant all

3 x Verbena, 3 x red Geraniums, 3 x blue Felicia amelloides and 3 x white Fuschia in each pot.                    

Then watered

Very positive response from public and from vicar, Jim said probably a better position for the planters

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Tues 19 June 2012 Bees and Bowser

Introduction to a hive inspection with Jim

Watered and then tidied the greenhouse area, sweep and sort, made a difference
In pm Jim showed me the bowser and I watered the hanging baskets

Monday, 18 June 2012

Mon 18th 2012 June clear edges


With C weeding out the self seeded dead poppies in wildlife garden, revealing dhalias and edging.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Thurs 14 June 2012 Induction!


Hallfield housing estate, Paddington. 1954. Design: Lubetkin + Lasdun

Churchill Gardens is a large housing estate in the Pimlico area of Westminster, London. The estate was developed between 1946 and 1962 to a design by the architects Powell and Moya

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Tues 12 June 2012 HangingBaskets hung

Rain but some respite is forecast in pm

Plant up and hang baskets with Lucy, Jeff and Patti.

I add the pre soaked plastic backed felt to base of baskets with some misgivings.
Jeff and I mix up compost, 2 x John Innes 2 , 1 bag non peat compost, 400g Osmocote and in pm, after Jim finds the sack, 300g water retaining gel.

We all plant a few 'sunny' baskets. Then Lucy & Jeff ride off to hang them. I hang one with Jeff in Exbury Square, but avoid climbing ladder due to Jims size 10 boots being cumbersome.

Rest of day, Patti and I based in greenhouse, I mix compost and we plant up both sunny and shade while Jeff and Lucy hang them and Jim counts them. Rain holds off so perfect and we make good progress.

3 x geraniums - red
3 x helichrysum silver - white
3 x Felicia amelloides  - blue

4 x Impatiens 'bright coral' & pink
3 x Fuschia - white

Monday, 11 June 2012

Mon 11 june 2012 Cut back fallen Rose and felt squares

heavy rain..all day.

am. I water the plants in greenhouse.
Then join Caroline cutting up felt squares and wicks for base of hanging baskets, problem is the plastic backing is firmly glued so they will not be as absorbent, however we, Caroline, Catherine (too wet to mow) and I continue and leave them in water butt to soak.

I fear the decision to hang 80 oddbaskets, during a time of drought and hosepipe bans, unsustainable. Most appear to agree, even Jim in principal, however we are continuing, although as forecast is also for continuous rain, my fears maybe unfounded.

At tea break Jim tells us a broken branch has been reported as a health and safety hazard to public at end of Joseph Conrad border. Due to my height... I and Catherine equipped with saws, loppers and secateurs got to cut it back, Caroline is left cutting remaining squares.

It is a big old woody rose (rosa rugosa? this used to be a rose border) which has not been pruned for some time, lots of dead wood and crossing branches, honeysuckle is  entwined and that is also causing the rose to split.
The brittle branches are weighed down and wind and rain has caused a split. I use a pruning saw to cut off the main broken branch above the split, while Catherine goes back for keys, it falls safely on the path side, the branches are tangled so I use my ratchet secateurs to disentangle the broken branch from the living.
Then make a clean cut at the base of the split branch, to ensure less chance of disease,
Continue to remove dead and dying while both C & C cut up and bag up waste.

Rose definitely needs some formative pruning. Some discussion between Catherine about the pruning, both Caroline and I are keen to take more time and ensure the end result looks good and is safe. Catherine more keen to simply follow the instruction to make safe.

I then litter pick the bed.

PM. In pouring rain we all walk around the site and cut back high and overhanging growth, including the Cherry tree in the Bee area, to allow the mower access, continue for rest of day.

Also the amazing Rosa moyesii 'Geranium' from the Wisley garden, which is growing to great heights with most of the flowering happening outside of the garden.

Note to self: This job often seems to be done during rain, when the overhanging are more obvious and causing more water fall, this results in very wet arms, my waterproofs are short in arm so need to remember to tighten wrist and roll up sleeves underneath to avoid soggy arms.

Still no boots, so I borrowed Jims spare size 10s with 2 pairs extra thick socks, they were ok, but no ladder climbing.