Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Tues 26 june 2012 High tower tidy

High Tower

Sunny, showers (Wimbledon weather)

Smyrnium perfoliatum
All of us worked at High tower on other side of Vauxhall Bridge Rd. Patti and I started on main rose bed, blood red and yellow bush roses, bed was full of Smyrnium perfoliatum, which having looked up, appears to be an invasive weed or an attractive addition depending on your garden tastes. In this case it was considered a weed, easy to remove, very shallow roots but probably easily self seeding.

Fallopia japonica (japanese Knotweed)
rose bed weeded
 The rose thorns were catching my clothing and skin so I donned waterproof as protection, sun stayed out

The dreaded Fallopia japonica (Japanese knot weed) is also spreading through the garden, quite established. Advised to leave that in place, apparently it has been reported and the sprayers will deal with it! Hope they will not take too long.

Another bed was filled with Ash saplings, some quite established. Apparently the garden used to be managed by volunteers but last 2 years by City West.
Edging beds, weeding, tidying.

The Garden users ranged from small children and grandparents, football playing boys and solitary readers.

Could tell garden was once cared for but now felt neglected, Geoff and Jim spoke about how cold and windy the garden was in winter, today it was warm and muggy.

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